May 2021 - Love Note “Daily Practice”

Dear Friend,

I hope you have enjoyed this month’s Love Letter and Love Notes and that they helped you to cultivate more joy, love, and peacefulness in your day-to-day life! As we bring May to a close this week, remember that the Divine Mother energy is supporting you at all times (not just in May!).

Daily Practice - Time for YOU

A Daily Practice is time that you dedicate to YOU each day. Often, first thing in the morning is the best time of day for this. It is a time to be still and to listen to your inner wisdom. Some people like to include writing, meditation, prayers, gratitude, yoga, and/or reading. This is a really important part of cultivating joy, love, and peace in one's life.

Do you have a Daily Practice? If so, is it time to freshen it up and infuse it with new energy? You could do some spring cleaning of your practice! Or if you do not have one in place yet, could you take a little time each day to dedicate to YOU?


Here are some things you could add to your Daily Practice to get close to Mother Earth during this last week of May!

  • Go for a walk and gaze at the blooming flowers.

  • Sit outside under a tree and listen to the birds.

  • Walk barefoot in the grass and feel the textures of the earth.

  • Sit near an open window or sit outside and spend 5 minutes relaxing and noticing everything around you.

Try This:

How can you, like Turtle, get close to Mother Earth and rest in her protection?

Let’s try Child's Pose* (Balasana)!

See the photo below

Child's Pose is a resting pose that can be done in a couple of different ways.

This pose provides a gentle stretching of the hips, thighs, and back. It also generates a sense of calm.

  1. If you are able, get down on the grass or on a yoga mat or carpet.

  2. Get on your hands and knees and then sit back on your feet.

  3. Then lean forward and let your forehead touch the floor.

  4. Extend your arms straight out in front of you or along your side towards your feet.

  5. While you are getting comfortable and settled into this pose, say the mantra, “The Universe nurtures and protects me, I am safe and secure."

  6. Stay in this pose for three or four deep breaths, feeling a little more comfortable with each passing breath.

  7. When you feel complete with this resting pose, rise back up onto your hands and knees, then return to a seated position.

  8. You can return to this pose anytime that you feel anxious or worried.

*As with any exercise, do this at your own risk and consult your healthcare professional if you have any concerns. This exercise is offered as a suggestion to you, it is up to you to determine if this is an appropriate exercise for you to do given your body’s condition.

childs pose.jpg

In closing, I want to remind you how deeply loved you are by the Divine Mother just simply because you are part of creation. You have the power within yourself to make positive joyful change in your life, to plant your seeds, and allow yourself the time and space to grow. Thank you for joining me on this journey to love, heal, and grow! I look forward to talking to you next month about the Divine Father. If you have any questions or comments send them my way. If you would like support, go to my website and schedule some time with me.

Thank you so much for joining me on this journey! I would like to hear from you. What did you find helpful and useful? What topics would you like for me to discuss in the future? Please hit ‘reply’ and let me know!

Share the love! Please share this with a friend.

Always remember that you are loved beyond measure!



Love ~ Heal ~ Grow!

(This was published as an email on May 26, 2021)


June 2021 - Love Letter


May 2021 - Love Note “Planting Seeds”